21 August 2006

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Sarah Kendall stepped offstage in the Pleasance 2 years ago and steppeed back on stage this year seemingly wearing exactly the same jeans and checked shirt. Thankfully, her material has changed in the interim and, after a shaky start, she kept the large audience entertained.

Loosely based around Kendall's search for the perfect comeback, the show ranges from dealing with mouthy kids to expressive ribbon twirling to the peculiar punishments meted out in schools. Throughout, Kendall and her extraoridanry mane of hair kept a friendly demeanour, even when her material was not being ecstatically received.

In common with a few performers this year, Kendall got a bit paranoid after about half an hour and her structure stuttered a little as a result. She's a solid performer but perhpas the room was too big for her chatty, laid-back style.

NTW : Allowing wide-faced arsecocker Jimmy Carr into the room.

JTD : Kendall's first attempt at audience interaction.

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